Google Cloud Networking Issue


I have some services stood up on Google Container Engine and they are hooked up to external IPs.

When I try to query on of these external IPs from within one of my services I get an error like

dial tcp xx.xx.xx.xx:5429: getsockopt: connection refused

Using the exact same service, but running on my local machine, it can connect fine to the same IP and port.

Is there some sort of port opening that I need to do in Google Networking dashboard or in my Kuberenetes pod configuration to allow my pod to connect to this host?

-- moesef

1 Answer


It is a firewall issue. It is trying to set up a connection through 5429 port, which surely is being blocked in the firewall rules.

You can find the Firewall console in the dashboard > Networking > VPC network > Firewall rules.

You only need to allow the connection in the needed port in the network where your instance is and it will work properly.

-- Katie Sinatra
Source: StackOverflow