I'm running kube-proxy
on each of my kubernetes nodes. I see, that it is installing it's iptables rules, to create virtual services hosts. I use flannel overlay networking to connect together the docker networks of my nodes. This works all fine from inside docker containers. So I am able to connect to the pods directly as well as to the services from inside a docker container.
But due to certain requirements I need to access services from a node host, in the same way as from inside a docker container. The problem is, that this is just possible for the node, a service pod is running on.
See the following example of iptables-save
on an node, that is not hosting a kubernetes-dashboard pod as clarification (the pod is running on kube-node-2):
[root@kube-node-1 ~]# iptables-save | grep dashboard
-A KUBE-SEP-CAT6SKLXJIMXS63T -s -m comment --comment "kube-system/kubernetes-dashboard:" -j KUBE-MARK-MASQ
-A KUBE-SEP-CAT6SKLXJIMXS63T -p tcp -m comment --comment "kube- system/kubernetes-dashboard:" -m tcp -j DNAT --to-destination
-A KUBE-SERVICES -d -p tcp -m comment --comment "kube-system/kubernetes-dashboard: cluster IP" -m tcp --dport 80 -j KUBE-SVC-XGLOHA7QRQ3V22RZ
-A KUBE-SVC-XGLOHA7QRQ3V22RZ -m comment --comment "kube-system/kubernetes-dashboard:" -j KUBE-SEP-CAT6SKLXJIMXS63T
I'm now able to curl
but I'm not able to curl
(on kube-node-2 this command succeeds). On the other hand, from the same host a docker run -it --rm centos /usr/bin/curl
does work.
I have the intuition, that something with the iptables rules and NATing is missing, such that, all packages jump into the KUBE-SERVICES
chain. Perhaps somebody can help me understanding, what's going on and provide a solution.
If you want to access services from outside the kubernetes cluster, you need to use service type NodePort
, see http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#publishing-services---service-types. If you want to use ports outside of the default port range (30000-32767), you can additionally allow a new range with the --service-node-port-range
option of the api server, see http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/kube-apiserver/.
Greetings, Marc