I'm setting up a cluster using kube-up.sh (v1.3.4) with AWS as provider. Everything is good, my only issue is that I don't see my logs (in Kibana and Elsaticsearch). If I docker attach inside the fluentd-elasticsearch container here is what I have:
in /var/logs/containers
I see a symlink to a log file for every pods running on my node, for example:
is a symlink to
However, /mnt
is empty in my fluentd-elasticsearch
container. So all symlinks are wrong.
I guess it's just that /mnt/ephemeral
is not bind mounted in the fluentd-elasticsearch
container. I'm not advanced enough in kubernetes to know where to fix that, and might be a bug since I used the standard procedure to setup my cluster.
If I run kubectl describe
on the pod I get:
Name: fluentd-elasticsearch-ip-172-20-0-168.eu-west-1.compute.internal
Namespace: kube-system
Node: ip-172-20-0-168.eu-west-1.compute.internal/
Start Time: Fri, 02 Sep 2016 17:15:03 +0200
Labels: k8s-app=fluentd-logging
Status: Running
Controllers: <none>
Container ID: docker://d376a900ef770e65dfbf75bf5bc1c711c650868bb4e4ea74002818852a81aa04
Image: gcr.io/google_containers/fluentd-elasticsearch:1.17
Image ID: docker://sha256:e74f564e4c316e0f6baebf838015f516e26d7501c96ead5f115523ff80c614fd
memory: 200Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 200Mi
State: Running
Started: Fri, 02 Sep 2016 17:15:36 +0200
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Environment Variables: <none>
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
PodScheduled True
Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume)
Path: /var/log
Type: HostPath (bare host directory volume)
Path: /var/lib/docker/containers
QoS Tier: Burstable
No events.
So obviously volumes are wrong (/var/lib/docker/containers
instead of /mnt/ephemeral/docker/containers
Where / how can I fix this ? Should this be reported as a bug in k8s repos ?
I am using the cluster addon for a rackspace setup, not a aws one. But basiaclly you need to look for the kubernetes deployment file. In the rackspace case you need a daemon set, not a replication controller, I bet the AWS stuff is constructed the same way.
You need to add to the deployment yaml file:
- name: mntephemeraldockercontainers
mountPath: /mnt/ephemeral/docker/containers
readOnly: true
- name: mntephemeraldockercontainers
path: /mnt/ephemeral/docker/containers
Why? Fluentd inside the pod read the path /var/log/containers/* which is a symlink that points to a "deak end" inside the container, because /mnt/ephemeral/docker/containers is not mounted there. It only exists on the host. So, mounting it in will make fluentd able to read the file.
NB: You need probably want to make the kubernetes metadata plugin work correctly, too.
rgds, j