Should Flannel run on a Kubernetes master?


I've successfully deployed a Kubernetes 1.3.5 cluster on 1 master + 6 nodes (all running CentOS) including the DNS and Kubernetes Dashboard addons. Everything seemed to be working OK at first. However, when I tried to run

kubectl proxy --address=<master-external-ip> --port=9090 --disable-filter

and access http://<master-external-ip>:9090/ui I got the following output

Error: 'dial tcp i/o timeout'
Trying to reach: ''

However, if I start flanneld on the master everything works and I can actually reach the Dashboard. Now, I've used to install the cluster and it didn't install any configs or systemd service for Flannel, which leaves me confused—should Flannel also run on the master?

-- Tony E. Stark

1 Answer


Yes, it should, otherwise packets going through the API server proxy can not be routed to their final destination: the dashboard pod running on some other machine.

-- Antoine Cotten
Source: StackOverflow