Is it currently possible to "repave" or regenerate pods or containers from a replication controller in Kubernetes based on time or condition for security reasons? Would like to recreate container based on schedule every x min/hours or due to condition(like tripwire). I know this could be done externally, just curious if it was an existing feature or if there was clever way to accomplish this objective.
Another solution is to use Brendan Burn's ksql script to locate target pods. I use this at my company in our deployment CI jobs. SQL searches for all pods that are running an image that I've just rebuilt, passing the results into a BASH while
loop in which I destroy the affected pods one by one.
# Build the ksql query
QUERY="SELECT pods.metadata->name, pods.metadata->namespace "
QUERY="${QUERY} FROM pods LEFT JOIN containers USING uid "
exec 5>&1 # Duplicate stdout on #5 so we can display the
# results of the query and use them at the same time
# Delete every pod matching QUERY. The `sed` and `awk` calls break down the formatted table
while read line; do
namespace=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f4`
pod=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2`
kubectl delete --namespace=$namespace pod $pod
done < <(echo "$QUERY" | node node_modules/ksql/ksql.js | tee >(cat - >&5) | sed -n 'p;n' | tail -n +3)
It's certainly not the most elegant solution in the world, but it could be simple enough to embed this logic in a container running in your cluster.
The upside of this technique is that it's extremely flexible and extensible.
Does pod.spec.activeDeadlineSeconds
do what you want?
Not something that is directly built in Kubernetes as is, but you could work around that by leveraging a Liveness probe. If any container inside your Pod is scheduled to "fail" on a certain condition (time or event based) Kubernetes will automatically restart the pod, i.e. recreate the failed containers.