Kubernetes replication controller / container regenerate


Is it currently possible to "repave" or regenerate pods or containers from a replication controller in Kubernetes based on time or condition for security reasons? Would like to recreate container based on schedule every x min/hours or due to condition(like tripwire). I know this could be done externally, just curious if it was an existing feature or if there was clever way to accomplish this objective.

-- Eliot Joslin

3 Answers


Another solution is to use Brendan Burn's ksql script to locate target pods. I use this at my company in our deployment CI jobs. SQL searches for all pods that are running an image that I've just rebuilt, passing the results into a BASH while loop in which I destroy the affected pods one by one.


# Build the ksql query
QUERY="SELECT pods.metadata->name, pods.metadata->namespace "
QUERY="${QUERY} FROM pods LEFT JOIN containers USING uid "

exec 5>&1  # Duplicate stdout on #5 so we can display the 
           # results of the query and use them at the same time

# Delete every pod matching QUERY. The `sed` and `awk` calls break down the formatted table
while read line; do
  namespace=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f4`
  pod=`echo $line | cut -d' ' -f2`
  kubectl delete --namespace=$namespace pod $pod
done < <(echo "$QUERY" | node node_modules/ksql/ksql.js | tee >(cat - >&5) | sed -n 'p;n' | tail -n +3)

It's certainly not the most elegant solution in the world, but it could be simple enough to embed this logic in a container running in your cluster.

The upside of this technique is that it's extremely flexible and extensible.

-- pnovotnak
Source: StackOverflow


Does pod.spec.activeDeadlineSeconds do what you want? http://kubernetes.io/docs/api-reference/v1/definitions/#_v1_podspec

-- Tim Hockin
Source: StackOverflow


Not something that is directly built in Kubernetes as is, but you could work around that by leveraging a Liveness probe. If any container inside your Pod is scheduled to "fail" on a certain condition (time or event based) Kubernetes will automatically restart the pod, i.e. recreate the failed containers.

-- Antoine Cotten
Source: StackOverflow