How do I ssh into the VM for Minikube?


What is the username/password/keys to ssh into the Minikube VM?

-- soupybionics

8 Answers


You can use the Minikube binary for this, minikube ssh.

-- bfallik
Source: StackOverflow


Minikube uses boot2docker as its base image, so the default SSH login to the VM ends up being docker:tcuser1.

-- Mukarram Syed
Source: StackOverflow


I too wanted to login without the Minikube command. I found that it drops the SSH key it generates into ~/.minikube/machines//id_rsa.

My machine was named the default "minikube", and therefore I could do:

ssh -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa docker@$(minikube ip)
-- Bob Van Zant
Source: StackOverflow


For windows hyper-v the answer was

  • open "Hyper-V Manager"

  • right click on the "minikube" VM

  • user "root"

There was no password.. that got me in.

-- Duane
Source: StackOverflow

minikube ssh -v 7

It will show you the output where you can see the full SSH command

/usr/bin/ssh -F /dev/null -o PasswordAuthentication=no -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet -o ConnectionAttempts=3 -o ConnectTimeout=10 -o ControlMaster=no -o ControlPath=none docker@ -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa -p 56290
-- weivall
Source: StackOverflow


docker/tcuser is the username/password to access to it , and it's also an straight way.

if you just want to master the control platform, then minikube ssh is a quick way to login.

-- imissyou
Source: StackOverflow


All the files mentioned are AuthOptions, which can be configured in the config.json file:


Generally, the SSH user is: docker.

If you want to ssh into your Minikube node/VM, then use SSH keys. You can use a Windows client application like WinSCP to configure the keys for your VM. If the format of keys is not as expected (.ppk), then use another client called PuttyGen to convert the keys into the expected format.

After you're done, log in using WinSCP, and it will enable you to shh into the desired VM using the configured keys.

-- Aprimit
Source: StackOverflow


Getting user and password for minikube in Mac.

cat ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/config.json

Loggin on SSH

ssh -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa docker@$(minikube ip)

-- Rub21
Source: StackOverflow