Exposed Service unreachable


I am trying to run the following Kubernetes module which builds a Concourse Web UI & Scheduler along with the Postgresql dependency through this:

However, the issue I am having is that expose mechanism isn't working, so I am only able to access the service from inside the Kubernetes, i.e.

<a href="/login?redirect=%2F">Found</a>

is returned from a curl on IP:forwadedPort. However, attempting to access the IP:forwadedPort results in a timeout each time. I also tried the following in the startup script:

kubectl expose service concourse-web --port=8080 --target-port=31080 --name=concourse-forward

and I receive similar results. Am I missing something in my setup? Syntax seems correct, and I get no syntax related errors, I know the Concourse service is in fact running, and I can the service and pod details to indicate it's fully functioning. Any advice would be appreciated!

-- MaxR

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