I'm running a kubernetes cluster in which I am deploying a "cloud native hazelcast" following the instructions on the kubernetes-hazelcast github page. Once I have a number of hazelcast instances running, I try to connect a java client to one of the instances but for some reason the connection fails.
Using a kubernetes external endpoint I can connect to hazelcast from outside the kubernetes cluster. When I do a REST call with curl kubernetes-master:32469/hazelcast/rest/cluster
, I get a correct response from hazelcast with it's cluster information. So I know my endpoint works.
The hazelcast-kubernetes deployment uses the hazelcast-kubernetes-bootstrapper which allows some configuration by setting environment variables with the replication controller, but I'm using all defaults. So my group and password are "someGroup" and "someSecret".
My Java client code is really straightforward:
ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig();
HazelcastInstance client = HazelcastClient.newHazelcastClient(clientConfig);
When start my client this is the log output of the hazelcast container
2016-07-05 12:54:38.143 INFO 5 --- [thread-Acceptor] com.hazelcast.nio.tcp.SocketAcceptor : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.5.2] Accepting socket connection from /
2016-07-05 12:54:38.143 INFO 5 --- [ cached4] c.h.nio.tcp.TcpIpConnectionManager : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.5.2] Established socket connection between /
2016-07-05 12:54:38.157 INFO 5 --- [.IO.thread-in-1] c.h.nio.tcp.SocketClientMessageReader : []:5701 [someGroup] [3.5.2] Unknown client type: <
And the console output of the client
jul 05, 2016 2:54:37 PM com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService
INFO: HazelcastClient[hz.client_0_someGroup][3.6.2] is STARTING
jul 05, 2016 2:54:38 PM com.hazelcast.core.LifecycleService
INFO: HazelcastClient[hz.client_0_someGroup][3.6.2] is STARTED
jul 05, 2016 2:54:48 PM com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl.ClusterListenerSupport
WARNING: Unable to get alive cluster connection, try in 0 ms later, attempt 1 of 2147483647.
jul 05, 2016 2:54:58 PM com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl.ClusterListenerSupport
WARNING: Unable to get alive cluster connection, try in 0 ms later, attempt 2 of 2147483647.
jul 05, 2016 2:55:08 PM com.hazelcast.client.spi.impl.ClusterListenerSupport
The client just keeps trying to connect but no connection is ever established.
So why won't my client connect to the hazelcast instance? Is it some configuration part I'm missing?
Not sure about the official kubernetes support, however Hazelcast has a kubernetes discovery plugin (based on the new discovery spi) that works on both, client and nodes: https://github.com/noctarius/hazelcast-kubernetes-discovery
Looking at the console logs, you have different Hazelcast versions between Node and Client? Can you either update both to be 3.6.4 i.e., the latest or just change the cluster to be 3.6.2 to match with client. 3.6.x has many configuration changes and many bug fixes as well.