I am trying to follow this tutorial https://tensorflow.github.io/serving/serving_inception
But I see this
$ gcloud container clusters create inception-serving-cluster --num-nodes 5
ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.create) ResponseError: code=403, message=Required "container.clusters.create" permission for "projects/tensorflow-serving".
I did not see an option to add permissions to the project anywhere. How do I do this using the CLI or the UI?
EDIT: I do have the project created
EDIT: Just saw that it works fine from the cloud shell
(Tested on 2019.04.07)
Firstly, check the list of auth accounts:
gcloud auth list
Next set the active account:
gcloud config set account <email_address_from_above_output>
Then, specify the parameter for create cluster commamd:
gcloud container clusters create <cluster_name> --num-nodes=2 --project=<PROJECT_ID>
gcloud container clusters create prod-myapp-cluster --num-nodes=2 --project=myapp-20394823094
Expected output:
kubeconfig entry generated for prod-myapp-cluster.
prod-myapp-cluster asia-south1-a 1.11.7-gke.12 35.5xx.2xx.1xx n1-standard-1 1.11.7-gke.12 2 RUNNING
Get your project name or create a project if you have created on already at console.cloud.google.com
Enable Kubernetes engine API on the console
run this code on your command prompt
gcloud container clusters create bd-serving-cluster --num-nodes 5 -project=tensorflow-serving-264611 \
Update: Your project's name is tensorflow-serving-1360
, so you should be running gcloud container clusters create inception-serving-cluster --num-nodes 5 --project=tensorflow-serving-1360
The project tensorflow-serving
is not owned by you. It is the example project name used in the linked tutorial, but you need to replace it with the name of your own project as described in the line at the beginning of Part 2:
Here we assume you have created and logged in a gcloud project named