I need for each of my users to access a service at a custom url eg. abccompany.mycloudapp.com , each service being a kubernetes service I'm looking at ingress controllers but I need a way to use a wildcard host field and somehow read the value into the path: and service: fields ; here's a sample ingress controller of what I have in mind:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
name: test
- host: *.bar.com
- path: /{{ value of * in * .bar.com }}
serviceName: {{value of * in *.bar.com }}Svc
servicePort: 80
If you use the stock controllers you will be able to switch on hostname and go to different backends services. It sounds like you don't want to enumerate all the subdomains -> service mappings, in which case you probably need to write your own controller that writes out an nginx config that uses $http_host in the appropriate proxy_pass or redirect lines. Give it a shot (https://github.com/kubernetes/contrib/tree/master/ingress/controllers) and file bugs in that same repo if you need help.