If number of replicas in a deployment is 1, and the deployment is bad, the deployment happens anyway, can i change this behaviour?


I was playing around with this: http://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/deployments/ in my infrastructure. I have a few deployments where I need replicas - but I have a couple where i only want one replica inside the deployment - however having an easy way to change the image version is great and required.

So I tried to see what would happen if you ran a broken update on a deployment with only 1 replica - if we do the following (from the documentation above):

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-deployment
  replicas: 3
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx:1.7.9
        - containerPort: 80

if we then run kubectl create -f nginx-deployment.yaml

we see 3 healthy running replicas.

If we then change the above file from replicas: 3 to replicas: 1 and run the apply command: kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml - we see 1 healthy replica.

Now - if we change image: nginx:1.7.9 to something like image: nginx:1.7.9broken - and run kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml we see something like this:

$ kubectl get rs
NAME                             DESIRED   CURRENT   AGE
nginx-deployment-2035384211      0         0         11m    <- this is the first one we created with 3 replicas
nginx-deployment-3257237551      1         1         8m     <- this is the broken one we made with 1 replica and a bad image name
nginx-deployment-3412426736      0         0         10m    <- this is the 2nd one we created with 1 replica

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                   READY     STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
nginx-deployment-3257237551-od22j      0/1       ImagePullBackOff   0          19s

So what seems to have happened here is the deployment has run, and created a new broken pod, and destryed the old one - something which the documentation, linked above, tells me should not happen?

My question is - is there some setting i can change so that, even with 1 replica, the deployment will still work as intended, i.e. if the new pod created by the deployment is bad, it will keep the old pod running, or is there something else i should be doing when updating the images of single pods?

note - this all seems to work fine on 2+ many replicas, and i tried to set the maxSurge value to like 5 to see if that made a difference, but it did not.

-- IaMaCuP

1 Answer


I believe you want to set maxUnavailable (which defaults to 1) to 0. This should prevent Kubernetes from taking down any existing pods prior bringing a healthy one up. maxSurge only specifies how many pods exceeding the desired count you are willing to see getting deployed during a rolling upgrade. Since you only tried to roll out a single updated pod in your third deployment, the increase of maxSurge beyond the default value of 1 did not make a difference.

See also the Rolling Update Deployment section in the documentation.

-- Timo Reimann
Source: StackOverflow