Is Ingress working with ClusterIP services?


I've setup some services and ingresses to try out the SSL termination. I had no problem at all with LoadBalancer and NodePort services as backend but it's not working at all with ClusterIP service.

Although the Ingress' backend is described as healthy, I get an HTTP error that do not come from my application.

$ kubectl describe ing nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
Name:           nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
Namespace:      default
Address:        X.X.X.X
Default backend:    nginx-cluster-svc:80 (...)
  ssl-certificate terminates
  Host  Path    Backends
  ----  ----    --------
  https-target-proxy:       k8s-tps-default-nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
  static-ip:            k8s-fw-default-nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
  target-proxy:         k8s-tp-default-nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
  url-map:          k8s-um-default-nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
  backends:         {"k8s-be-30825":"HEALTHY"}
  forwarding-rule:      k8s-fw-default-nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
  https-forwarding-rule:    k8s-fws-default-nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
  FirstSeen LastSeen    Count   From                SubobjectPath   Type        Reason  Message
  --------- --------    -----   ----                -------------   --------    ------  -------
  28m       28m     1   {loadbalancer-controller }          Normal      ADD default/nginx-cluster-ssl-ingress
  27m       27m     1   {loadbalancer-controller }          Normal      CREATE  ip: X.X.X.X

The HTTP error is the following:

$ curl http://X.X.X.X/
default backend - 404%

My question is quite simple: is it supposed to work with ClusterIP services? If it is supposed to as more or less written in the documentation, where should I have a look to resolve that issue?

Thank you!

-- Samuel ROZE

2 Answers


The native GKE Ingress controller do not support ClusterIP, only NodePort is working.

Non-native Ingress controllers such as the nginx one do work with ClusterIP services.

-- Samuel ROZE
Source: StackOverflow


Nginx ingress controller on GKE works with ClusterIp. But the native GKE ingress controller does not as mentioned by @samuel-roze nginx

-- David Dehghan
Source: StackOverflow