Kubernetes maintaining dead minion list


When i do kubectl get nodes it gives me

Name         Status NotReady Ready Ready

Here node as been completed deleted, but still this is listed in nodes list.

Because of this when im trying to run kubernetes ui, it is looking for

GET http://<Master-Node>/api/v1/proxy/nodes/

And this is giving 503 (Service unavailable) error

Looks like some sort of cached data, How do i delete this dead minion from the list?

-- sravis

2 Answers


On some cloud providers, nodes will be automatically removed from the node list when the VM is deleted (because the master components can verify with an authoritative API that the VM is in fact not coming back). On bare metal (or cloud providers where that extra hook has not been implemented), the node will exist in a NotReady state indefinitely until a cluster administrator manually removes it.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow


I'm curious what you mean when you say the node has been completely deleted. Did you delete a cloud VM? Take a bare metal server off the network?

In any case, if you want to get rid of it, running kubectl delete node on it should remove it from the API.

-- Alex Robinson
Source: StackOverflow