"Wire" multiple Deployments to one Service in Kubernetes


I have several different Deployments.
Deployment A: export port 3333
Deployment B: export port 4444
I want to use a single Service(with LoadBalancer type) to export them.
Service Main: export port 4545 -> Route to Deployment A's port 3333 export port 5555 -> Route to Deployment B's port 4444

The documentation say that you can export multiple ports on one services, but it doesn't say whether it works for multiple Deployments.
Since Services use selector to select Deployments but in my case, there will be more than one Deployment comes from the selecting result.

-- shockwave

1 Answer


I don't think that is possible today, but it seems like a potentially useful feature. I filed a feature request.

-- CJ Cullen
Source: StackOverflow