Container getting killed at node after pod creation
Issue was raised at github and asked me to move to SO
However i am briefing my issue here.After creating pod it doesnt run since i have to mention the container name in the kubelet args under --pod-infra-container-image as mentioned below.
I have solved the issue of Pods Status Container Creating by adding the container name in "--pod-infra-container-image= then pod creation was successful.
However I want to resolve this issue some other way instead of adding containers name in kubelet args. Kindly let me know how do I get this issue fixed.
Also after the pod creation is done. The containers keep on restarting. However if I check the logs via kubectl logs output shows the container expected output.
But the container restarts often. For restarting of pod what i did i have made the restartPolicy: never in spec file of pod and then it didnt restarted however container doesnt run. Kindly help me.
Your description is very confusing, can you please reply to this answer with:
1. What error you get when you do docker pull
2. What cmd you're running in your container
For 2 you need a long running command, like while true; do echo SUCCESS; done, otherwise it'll just exit and get restarted by the kubelet with a RestartPolicy of Always.