I followed the tutorial how to create a k8s cluster on aws using ubuntu. This works great, so I have one master and three nodes - minions. However I haven't found any working working recipe how to add a new node to the cluster.
As I have not found any tutorial, maybe I need to do some manual procedure. But it would be weird autoscaling. What am I supposed to do? kube scripts install the cluster, add scaling group and it does not work?
Add more nodes in a second zone
, note that this is about multizone deployment.So I tried things like:
but it always failed with:
A client error (AlreadyExists) occurred when calling the CreateLaunchConfiguration operation: Launch Configuration by this name already exists - A launch configuration already exists with the name kubernetes-minion-group-eu-central-1b
There must be definitely some way how to do that, can you please someone help me? Thank you!
After some attempts it seemed that the auto-scaling group worked using debian images. Note that it needs aprox. 2 minutes once the instance is ready with all installed necessities and you can see the instance using get nodes