Unable to access Kubernetes UI


I configured k8s(kubernetes) with 1 master and 2 slaves. I was able to access web UI provided by k8s but after rebooting of M/cs, not able to access UI with the same URL. May be I am missing with some of environment variables or something else, didn't able to figure it out correctly. Did any one know, what I am missing ?
docker ps shows that I am running the desired containers. Images are-
gcr.io/google_containers/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64:v1.0.1 and gcr.io/google_containers/pause:2.0
I followed this link.

-- Yogesh Jilhawar

1 Answer


Navigating to https://<master-ip>:8080/ui will redirect you to the kubernetes-dashboard service in the kube-system namespace. When you first set up your cluster this service was working properly but after rebooting the set of endpoints became stale. You can diagnose this issue by running kubectl describe endpoints --namespace kube-system kubernetes-dashboard to see the current set of endpoints, and if they are incorrect (or missing), restarting the dashboard pod and/or dns pod will resolve the issue.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow