Kubernetes getting started locally with docker


I am attempting to setup Kubernetes locally using a docker instance. I am following this documentation but get stuck at the point of creating a new service and exposing the ports.

I have the docker container pulled and I have a kubectl available.

When I run the command kubectl get nodes --show-labels I get the following


I now create a new service with kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --port=80 as per the docs. When I run docker ps I see a container that's been created using my local nginx:latest image.

CONTAINER_ID: 4192d1b423ec
IMAGE: nginx COMMAND: "nginx -g 'daemon off'" CREATED: 37 minutes ago STATUS: Up 37 minutes
NAMES: k8s_nginx.aab52821_nginx-198147104-qop91_default_f1cf5d8a-ef2d-11e5-b527-f0def1de109f_940ee216

The next step is where I'm having problems kubectl expose rc nginx --port=80 is supposed to expose the nginx image as a kubernetes service on port 80.

I get this in the terminal.

Error from server: replicationcontrollers "nginx" not found

So I started reading about replicationcontrollers, I understand the concepts but I do not know how they are configured or setup. This got me to thinking that I'm following what should be an idiot proof setup guide. Can anyone help me with this? I have added my docker and kubernetes versions below.

Version info

Docker version (Local Ubuntu 15.10)

Client: Version: 1.10.3 API version: 1.22 Go version: go1.5.3 Git commit: 20f81dd Built: Thu Mar 10 15:59:07 2016 OS/Arch: linux/amd64

Server: Version: 1.10.3 API version: 1.22 Go version: go1.5.3 Git commit: 20f81dd Built: Thu Mar 10 15:59:07 2016 OS/Arch: linux/amd64

Kubernetes version

Client Version: version.Info{ Major:"1", Minor:"2", GitVersion:"v1.2.0", GitCommit:"5cb86ee022267586db386f62781338b0483733b3", GitTreeState:"clean" }

Server Version: version.Info{ Major:"1", Minor:"2", GitVersion:"v1.2.0", GitCommit:"5cb86ee022267586db386f62781338b0483733b3", GitTreeState:"clean" }

-- David Barker

2 Answers


If you want to run Kubernetes on top of Docker have a look at Kubernetes Anywhere. They say:

All you need is one or more Docker hosts.

-- webwurst
Source: StackOverflow


Kubernetes documentation for docker is outdated for now. Some elements need to be added.

This kubernetes issue is the one to follow.

You can find at this comment the answer to setup. It's working for me with DNS/Dashboard addons. I have not done a complete test of all the features but complexe application are running on it (understand not helloworld application).

If you are interested, you can find some project that try to solve this setup that is not so trivial if you don't have time:

Note I don't put any setup here as it will certainly be outdated soon ... Kubernetes documentation is the good place (and for now the issue I pointed you to ^^)

-- Thibault Deheurles
Source: StackOverflow