I am facing issues while clustering etcd in kubernetes HA. High Availability Kubernetes Clusters. I gone through this link (http://kubernetes.io/docs/admin/high-availability/) . In that i have copied "etcd.yml" file to "/etc/kubernetes/manifests/" directory in all three masters. kubelet monitoring manifests directory and created pod automatically. but etcd container is restarting continuously.
One doubt here. Assuming i have three masters and three worker nodes. inside worker nodes we are given only one active master hostname (or) ip my doubt is if active master dies how second master will take over responsibility of worker nodes. worker nodes will always look into the "first master" because we have given only one hostname in master. Here I want to know how second master will take responsibility.
Please help me with this. Thanks in advance.
The guide recommends that you put the master replicas behind a load balancer. The details of how to do this will vary depending on the platform where you're setting up your cluster.