Error "certificate signed by unknown authority" after switching GCP project


After switching gcloud projects using ...

gcloud init

... and then try to do some kubectl command, like this for instance:

kubectl get rc

... I get this error:

error: couldn't read version from server: Get x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

Why is this and how can I solve it?

-- Mattias Petter Johansson

3 Answers


step 1: Remove .kube/config file

step 2: gcloud container clusters get-credentials YOURCLUSTERHERE

Still, if you facing issue, then disconnect with your current orgnization network and try with mobile hotspot or your wifi.

-- gautam
Source: StackOverflow


This is because the keys to your old cluster is cached. I'm not sure why they are not updated by the gcloud init command (that's what one would intuitively expect, or at least some kinder error message from kubectl)

You solve it by simply getting the credentials of the cluster in the new configuration:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials YOURCLUSTERHERE --zone YOURCLUSTERZONEHERE
-- Mattias Petter Johansson
Source: StackOverflow


This can be resolved by fetching the credential

gcloud container clusters get-credentials   < container-cluster >    --zone < zone >  --project   < project name >


login to GCP

GCP -> container engine -> container clusters -> connect to cluster

Refer this docs for further information

-- RahulKrishnan R A
Source: StackOverflow