I have to check if my application container in a replication controller runs on a certain port. Here is the command with the go template string that I'm using.
kubectl get rc my-rc --namespace=nightly --template='{{range .spec.template.spec.containers}}{{if .ports}}{{range .ports}}{{if .containerPort}}{{if eq .containerPort 5445}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}'
I think it is not a string comparison since it is a port. even string comparison throws an error "error calling eq: incompatible types for comparison'"
I could just fetch an array of container ports and do the comparison outside but want to get it done inside the go template.
I am new to Go lang. Appreciate any suggestions to accomplish this using template string or using a template file.. Thanks
Inspecting the .containerPort with printf "%T" .containerPort
shows that it's a float64. if you compare your port with a trailing 5445.0
it should work.
You also have some unnecessary if statements.
--template='{{range .spec.template.spec.containers}}{{range .ports}}{{if eq .containerPort 5445.0}}True{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}'
Your example was also missing the -o="go-template"
flag to specify the output as a Go template.