I followed the instructions given here, but both the scripts (master.sh & worker.sh) are failing on nodes (Ubuntu 14.04). The script output is as follows:
root@LAP0061:/home/user/kubernetes/docs/getting-started-guides/docker-multinode# ./master.sh
K8S_VERSION is set to: 1.2.0-alpha.7
ETCD_VERSION is set to: 2.2.1
FLANNEL_VERSION is set to: 0.5.5
FLANNEL_IFACE is set to: eth0
FLANNEL_IPMASQ is set to: true
MASTER_IP is set to:
ARCH is set to: amd64
Detecting your OS distro ...
Starting bootstrap docker ...
Starting k8s ...
docker: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon. Is the docker daemon running on this host?.
See 'docker run --help'.
But, when I run the command "service docker status", it shows "docker start/running, process 9559". So, why is it giving the error message even if the docker is running?
Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 LTS on both master and worker
Kubernetes: v1.2.0
hyperkube: v1.2.0
Docker: 1.10.2
Please suggest any solution.
Do you see an error in /var/log/docker-bootstrap.log ? It is possible docker did not come up properly in bootsrtap docker step.