Is it possible to turn on ABAC mode (authorization) in Google Container Engine?


I would like to enable the ABAC mode for the Kubernetes Cluster I'm using in Google's Container Engine. (more specifically, I would like to restrict access to the API service for the default service account which is automatically assigned to all pods). However, since --authorization-mode=ABAC is a command line argument for kube-apiserver and since the API server is managed in Google Container Engine, I didn't find a way to enable authorization for my cluster.

Is there a way to enable ABAC mode on GCE?

I'm currently running Kubernetes v1.1.7 on server and nodes.

-- Robert Lemke

2 Answers


In the meantime Google has added the possibility to use Role Based Access Control (RBAC) for a Kubernetes Cluster. It is enabled by default for all new Clusters running Kubernetes 1.6 or later:

-- Robert Lemke
Source: StackOverflow


There is not a way to enable ABAC mode on Google Container Engine. If you need fine-grained control over the parameters passed to any of the master components you have to run Kubernetes on GCE instead.

-- Robert Bailey
Source: StackOverflow